
University of Montana students spell out ‘IMPEACH’ on mountain ahead of Trump visit

University of Montana (UM) students used the “M” that is written on the side of Mount Sentinal in Missoula to spell the word “IMPEACH” ahead of President Trump’s visit on Thursday night.

A group of sophomores who are not affiliated with any political groups hadn’t finished the display before school administrators ordered them to take it down, KPAX News reported.

The friends said they wanted to send a message, so they used the letter “M” representing the university that is cemented on the side of the mountain. 

Cathy Cole, UM’s vice president of enrollment and strategic planning, told the station that the school’s removal of the sign was not motivated by politics.

“Not that we don’t support freedom of speech — because of course, we do. But we do have policies that prohibit anyone from posting on live vegetation on campus,” Cole said.

“And anyone putting up anything that is of a display nature they have to get a permit for and the students didn’t have that. So there’s a lot of liability that goes with that and we just want to make sure that everybody is safe,” Cole added.

The students told the outlet they they had researched the laws about putting up the display on Mount Sentinal, which is technically public works, before putting up the signs.

The university owns more than 600 acres on the front of the mountain so people must follow their policies, the outlet noted.

The “IMPEACH” display is one of two anti-Trump displays that went up ahead of the president’s campaign rally.

Protesters spelled the word “LIAR” on the side of Mount Jumbo, using the “L” that represents Loyola Sacred Heart Catholic High School.

Maggie Williams and Betty Tschudi organized the protest and told The Missoulian newspaper that about 50 volunteers signed up for shifts to sit near the display throughout the day.