
British government rejects petition to stop Trump’s visit

The British government has rejected a petition demanding a visit from President Trump be canceled.

In a response posted to an online petition, the government’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office says it should extend its “full courtesy” to the U.S. and Trump.

“[Her Majesty’s] Government recognises the strong views expressed by the many signatories of this petition, but does not support this petition,” the statement reads. “HM Government believes the President of the United States should be extended the full courtesy of a State Visit. We look forward to welcoming President Trump once dates and arrangements are finalised.” 

The final dates for Trump’s visit have not yet been determined.

More than 1.85 million peopled signed a petition demanding the United Kingdom not invite Trump for an official state visit, as “it would cause embarrassment to her Majesty the Queen.”

{mosads}“Donald Trump’s well documented misogyny and vulgarity disqualifies him from being received by Her Majesty the Queen or the Prince of Wales. Therefore during the term of his presidency Donald Trump should not be invited to the United Kingdom for an official State Visit,” the petition reads.

Petitions only needed 100,000 signatures to be considered by Parliament.

U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May was the first foreign leader to visit the White House after Trump’s inauguration.

The petition came after Trump’s controversial executive order temporarily blocking refugees and visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S. and indefinitely stopping refugees from war-torn Syria. The executive order has since been halted by a federal judge while it undergoes a review process.