In The Know

NY investigating Weinstein Company over sexual misconduct claims

The New York attorney general will investigate The Weinstein Company over allegations of sexual misconduct and harassment against ousted Chairman Harvey Weinstein.

“No New Yorker should be forced to walk into a workplace ruled by sexual intimidation, harassment or fear,” Eric Schneiderman said in a statement. “If sexual harassment or discrimination is pervasive at a company, we want to know.”

The New York Times reported Monday that Schneiderman’s office is subpoenaing the company for documents related to sexual harassment complaints, hiring and firing processes, out-of-court settlements, personnel files and other records.


The investigation will determine if the allegations against Weinstein are indicative of patterns of sexual discrimination and civil rights violations at the company, and if the company bears financial responsibility for Weinstein’s misconduct.

A New York Times investigation on Weinstein found that the disgraced producer had paid at least eight women to keep quiet about their allegations.

A further report from The New Yorker greatly expanded the list of women who have accused him of sexual assault and rape.

Weinstein is under investigation in New York, Los Angeles and London.

He was fired from his company after the allegations came to light.