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Lena Dunham: Clinton coverage ‘rabidly sexist’

Lena Dunham, who has been stumping for Hillary Clinton, is calling the way the Democratic presidential front-runner has been portrayed in the media “gendered and rabidly sexist.”

The 29-year-old actress and writer behind HBO’s “Girls” — who hit the campaign trail in Iowa for Clinton earlier this month — tells Variety, “The way that Hillary Clinton’s been talked about in the media is so gendered and rabidly sexist in every single portrayal.”

{mosads}In a story published Sunday, the entertainer said of Clinton, “Whether it’s the attacks on her personal life or the adjectives that are used to describe her clothing, we have to do a full reexamination.”

“Like I literally want to make a list that we hand to media outlets that says, ‘These are the words you can’t use when describing a female candidate: shrill, inaccessible, difficult, frumpy, plastic.’” Dunham didn’t specify any particular media organizations or publications she was referring to.

“If we were allowed to talk about male candidates like that,” Dunham added, “I’d have a f—— field day. I’d enjoy my life so much.”

“Sorry,” Dunham said with a slight smile, “I get too worked up.”