National Security Why only Congress can prevent pointless wars National Security / 2 years ago by Bruce Fein, opinion contributor 11/12/22 3:00 PM ET
National Security Getting war powers right National Security / 3 years ago by Gary Schmitt, Opinion Contributor 08/11/21 2:30 PM ET
National Security Congress, don’t rubber-stamp executive war power overreach National Security / 7 years ago by Former Rep. Mickey Edwards (R-Okla.) and Louis Fisher, opinion contributors 06/09/18 2:00 PM ET
International The War Powers Resolution doesn’t let the president start wars International / 7 years ago by Kurt Couchman, opinion contributor 04/16/18 5:15 PM ET
Foreign Policy Trump, bring back the War Powers Act. US troops are not yours alone. Foreign Policy / 8 years ago by David Schoenbrod, opinion contributor 04/21/17 1:40 PM ET