International Does Biden want another ‘forever war’ in Somalia? International / 3 years ago by Jonathan Sweet, Opinion Contributor 05/25/22 7:30 AM ET
National Security Dozens of elite US troops land in Poland National Security / 3 years ago by Monique Beals 02/06/22 6:38 PM ET
House GOP demands keeping troops in Kabul until all Americans evacuated House / 3 years ago by Cristina Marcos 08/31/21 1:05 PM ET
Defense Trump orders Pentagon to pull nearly all troops from Somalia Defense / 4 years ago by Ellen Mitchell 12/04/20 5:06 PM ET
National Security We need to appreciate the National Guard now more than ever National Security / 4 years ago by Lt. Gen. H Steven Blum (Ret.), opinion contributor 08/02/20 11:00 AM ET
Defense National security officials unaware of Trump’s decision to cut troops in Germany: report Defense / 5 years ago by John Bowden 06/09/20 9:16 AM ET