International Addressing the mental health crisis for Ukrainians in war and peace International / 2 years ago by Kimberly M. Hook and Jacki A. Hart, opinion contributors 09/22/22 2:30 PM ET
Health Care Suicide rates drop for second straight year Health Care / 3 years ago by Justine Coleman 11/03/21 12:07 PM ET
Healthcare Congress must invest in mental health and substance use care infrastructure Healthcare / 4 years ago by Paul N. Samuels and Ron Manderscheid, opinion contributors 07/24/21 3:00 PM ET
Healthcare Mental health and the cost of our wars Healthcare / 4 years ago by Michael Haynie, opinion contributor 06/27/21 8:00 AM ET
News Gay GOP official under fire for linking LGBTQ suicide rates to number of sex partners News / 7 years ago by Aris Folley 08/28/18 3:21 PM ET
Technology School shootings, teen suicide: The hidden consequences of social media Technology / 7 years ago by Morgan Wright, opinion contributor 02/19/18 3:30 PM ET