Healthcare Big tobacco is lighting the law on fire to peddle addiction Healthcare / 2 years ago by Michael R. Bloomberg, opinion contributor 02/02/23 7:30 AM ET
Asia/Pacific New Zealand plans to gradually raise legal smoking age in effort to ban cigarettes Asia/Pacific / 3 years ago by Maureen Breslin 12/09/21 7:52 AM ET
International Turkey bans smoking in public in effort to stop coronavirus spread International / 4 years ago by Kaelan Deese 11/12/20 9:42 AM ET
News NYC mulls ban on smoking while walking News / 7 years ago by Morgan Gstalter 03/21/18 12:19 PM ET
Ballot Box Girl Scouts drafted anti-smoking bill passed by Colorado town Ballot Box / 7 years ago by Morgan Gstalter 03/09/18 4:43 PM ET
Pending Regs Obama administration bans e-cigarette use on all flights Pending Regs / 9 years ago by Lydia Wheeler 03/02/16 12:55 PM ET
Lawmaker News Ban All Smoking in Federal Workplaces (Rep. Susan Davis) Lawmaker News / 16 years ago by Calif. Dem. Rep. Susan Davis 03/05/09 2:22 PM ET
Politics The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (Rep. Diana DeGette) Politics / 16 years ago by Colo. Dem. Rep. Diana DeGette 03/05/09 1:02 PM ET
Politics HELP Committee Passes a “Marlboro Protection Act” (Sen. Mike Enzi) Politics / 18 years ago by Wyo. GOP Sen. Mike Enzi 08/01/07 2:24 PM ET