Cybersecurity Student privacy laws remain the same, but children are now the product Cybersecurity / 2 years ago by Joel Schwarz and Emily Cherkin, opinion contributors 08/03/22 12:00 PM ET
Cybersecurity Protecting online privacy is a nonpartisan no-brainer Cybersecurity / 6 years ago by Ken Blackwell, opinion contributor 10/01/18 5:15 PM ET
Cybersecurity Unsound privacy regulation will stifle innovation Cybersecurity / 6 years ago by Matthew Heiman, opinion contributor 07/13/18 11:00 AM ET
Cybersecurity America has reason to remember its consumer protection tradition when it comes to privacy Cybersecurity / 7 years ago by Rami Essaid, opinion contributor 06/18/18 1:45 PM ET
Cybersecurity Firms quick to adopt EU data regs will have first-mover advantage Cybersecurity / 7 years ago by Ronen Gradwohl, opinion contributor 05/25/18 4:30 PM ET
Cybersecurity For data protection this is the start, not the end, of the journey Cybersecurity / 7 years ago by David A. Hoffman, opinion contributor 05/25/18 10:30 AM ET
Cybersecurity We need sound policy to quell the data arms race, protect users Cybersecurity / 7 years ago by Susan Grant, opinion contributor 04/10/18 6:00 PM ET
Cybersecurity New EU data protection rules a turning point for privacy Cybersecurity / 7 years ago by Frances Zelazny, opinion contributor 02/20/18 10:00 AM ET
Cybersecurity Europe’s privacy law set to change how personal data is handled around the globe Cybersecurity / 7 years ago by Fouad Khalil, opinion contributor 12/27/17 4:00 PM ET
Politics We Should Protect Digital Privacy Politics / 18 years ago by Vt. Dem. Sen. Patrick Leahy 04/02/07 3:34 PM ET
Politics REAL ID Infringes on Privacy Rights Politics / 18 years ago by Maine Dem. Rep. Tom Allen 02/23/07 4:57 PM ET
Politics What Happened to Protecting Patients’ Private Medical Records Politics / 18 years ago by Calif. Dem. Rep. Lois Capps 07/27/06 12:33 PM ET