Lobbying West Coast port dispute poses latest threat to supply chain Lobbying / 3 years ago by Karl Evers-Hillstrom 07/01/22 6:00 AM ET
Europe Migrant deaths on sea crossings to Europe double, UN says Europe / 4 years ago by Rachel Scully 07/14/21 10:40 AM ET
Cybersecurity Trump administration rolls out plan to secure maritime sector against cyber threats Cybersecurity / 4 years ago by Maggie Miller 01/05/21 2:36 PM ET
Energy and Environment Blue economy, red ink, white flag? Restarting America’s maritime and coastal industries Energy and Environment / 5 years ago by Jesse H. Ausubel and Vice Admiral Paul Gaffney II. (Ret.), opinion contributors 05/07/20 5:30 PM ET
International Rise of China opens new chapter in global power struggle for the seas International / 7 years ago by David Batashvili, opinion contributor 01/19/18 4:00 PM ET
Defense Outdated infrastructure poses national security risk Defense / 8 years ago by Rear Admiral Mark H Buzby, USN (Ret.), contributor 12/16/16 1:00 PM ET