Healthcare For health policy that works, look at the evidence Healthcare / 7 years ago by Linda Gorman, opinion contributor 05/30/18 3:30 PM ET
Healthcare Obama is gone, but his fiscal waste is still befouling American health care Healthcare / 7 years ago by Linda Gorman, opinion contributor 04/03/18 3:30 PM ET
Healthcare It’s time to scrap federal physician quality measurements Healthcare / 7 years ago by Linda Gorman, opinion contributor 01/17/18 7:40 AM ET
Healthcare Medicaid funds shouldn’t be used to subsidize state taxes on health care Healthcare / 7 years ago by Linda Gorman, opinion contributor 12/05/17 11:20 AM ET
Healthcare Congress could improve health care by reforming the False Claims Act Healthcare / 7 years ago by Linda Gorman, opinion contributor 09/28/17 9:20 AM ET
Healthcare Foreign health care is no model for the United States Healthcare / 7 years ago by Linda Gorman, opinion contributor 09/21/17 7:00 AM ET
Healthcare ObamaCare is a success — at sucking vast sums of money from the private sector Healthcare / 8 years ago by Linda Gorman, opinion contributor 08/07/17 7:20 AM ET
Healthcare ObamaCare has failed patients with pre-existing conditions Healthcare / 8 years ago by Linda Gorman, opinion contributor 05/16/17 9:40 AM ET
Healthcare Why the Republican version of ObamaCare is a sham Healthcare / 8 years ago by Linda Gorman, opinion contributor 03/14/17 9:40 AM ET