Technology The taxman cometh… for the internet Technology / 3 years ago by Roger J. Cochetti, opinion contributor 04/16/22 4:00 PM ET
Technology Congress should consider small-business exception to internet sales tax Technology / 6 years ago by Jason Pye, opinion contributor 08/19/18 2:00 PM ET
Technology Tech lobby speaks out against EU digital tax proposal Technology / 7 years ago by Ali Breland 06/25/18 5:49 PM ET
Finance Online sales taxes would be a dangerous expansion of state taxing power Finance / 7 years ago by Brent Gardner, opinion contributor 03/14/18 1:30 PM ET
Judiciary The next tax reform: Internet sales tax Judiciary / 7 years ago by Hayes Holderness, opinion contributor 01/17/18 11:00 AM ET
Business Customs bill expected to clear Senate on Thursday Business / 9 years ago by Vicki Needham 02/09/16 7:14 PM ET
Technology Cruz warns of online sales tax in lame duck Technology / 10 years ago by Mario Trujillo 11/14/14 10:46 AM ET
Business Senate moves to extend ban on Internet taxes Business / 10 years ago by Bernie Becker 07/23/14 6:29 PM ET
Technology Anti-Internet tax bill heads to House floor Technology / 11 years ago by Julian Hattem 06/18/14 11:44 AM ET
Technology Lawmakers push to ban taxes on Internet service Technology / 11 years ago by Julian Hattem 06/16/14 12:47 PM ET
Senate Thune calls for permanent ban on Internet tax Senate / 11 years ago by Ramsey Cox 05/22/14 4:51 PM ET
Lobbying Foes of Internet sales tax rally forces Lobbying / 11 years ago by Kate Tummarello and Bernie Becker 04/29/14 6:00 AM ET
Technology OVERNIGHT TECH: House panel to weigh online sales tax options Technology / 11 years ago by Kate Tummarello and Julian Hattem 03/11/14 6:45 PM ET
Politics Amendments to Internet Tax Freedom Act Accomplish Three Major Goals Politics / 17 years ago by National Association of Counties Executive Director Larry E. Naake 10/16/07 11:37 AM ET
Politics Internet Tax? Why? (Rep. Lamar Smith) Politics / 17 years ago by Texas GOP Rep. Lamar Smith 10/14/07 10:25 AM ET