Energy & Environment 18 states fight conservative think tank effort to freeze fuel efficiency standards Energy & Environment / 5 years ago by Rebecca Beitsch 05/29/20 4:24 PM ET
Energy & Environment Obama urges voters to ‘demand better’ after Trump rolls back fuel standards Energy & Environment / 5 years ago by Brett Samuels 03/31/20 12:16 PM ET
Energy & Environment Automakers rebuff Trump, strike fuel efficiency deal with California Energy & Environment / 5 years ago by Rebecca Beitsch 07/25/19 9:05 AM ET
Energy and Environment Fuel standards to prevent overdependence on foreign oil are out of date Energy and Environment / 6 years ago by Merrill Matthews, opinion contributor 03/28/19 8:00 AM ET
Energy and Environment Problems with the fuel economy rollback Energy and Environment / 6 years ago by Jeremy Michalek, opinion contributor 09/26/18 5:30 PM ET
News Nissan: Emissions and fuel economy data deliberately ‘altered’ News / 6 years ago by Emily Birnbaum 07/09/18 9:30 AM ET
Energy & Environment Trump to propose a freeze on fuel efficiency standards at 2020 levels: report Energy & Environment / 7 years ago by Luis Sanchez 04/28/18 2:30 PM ET
Energy and Environment Americans are demanding clean energy, better vehicles — Trump is pushing the opposite Energy and Environment / 7 years ago by Bob Keefe, opinion contributor 04/06/18 4:30 PM ET
Energy & Environment Pruitt: National fuel standard should be ‘unified’ Energy & Environment / 7 years ago by Miranda Green 01/30/18 12:23 PM ET