Latino Suicide attempts highlight mental health concerns in immigrant detention Latino / 2 years ago by Rafael Bernal 03/03/23 6:00 AM ET
Immigration On immigration enforcement, can we agree to do better and spend less? Immigration / 3 years ago by Jody Heymann and Aleta Sprague, opinion contributors 07/16/21 4:30 PM ET
National Security Durbin calls on DOJ to stop defending Guantanamo detention National Security / 3 years ago by Harper Neidig 07/07/21 5:39 PM ET
Court Battles Judge rules ICE must keep records about sexual assault and detainee deaths Court Battles / 4 years ago by Justine Coleman 03/14/21 5:20 PM ET
Latino ICE under pressure to release detainees threatened by coronavirus Latino / 5 years ago by Rafael Bernal 04/01/20 6:00 AM ET
Department of Homeland Security First immigrant in ICE detention center tests positive for coronavirus Department of Homeland Security / 5 years ago by Justine Coleman 03/24/20 4:36 PM ET
Health Care Over 3,000 medical professionals urge ICE to release detainees amid coronavirus pandemic Health Care / 5 years ago by J. Edward Moreno 03/19/20 3:01 PM ET
Department of Homeland Security Feinstein pushes ICE to consult ‘qualified experts,’ reconsider revised detention standards Department of Homeland Security / 5 years ago by Justine Coleman 02/04/20 12:02 PM ET
Europe US moves British ISIS suspects from Syria amid Turkish invasion Europe / 5 years ago by Justine Coleman 10/09/19 8:17 PM ET
Health Care Judge blocks Trump administration from detaining migrant children indefinitely Health Care / 5 years ago by Nathaniel Weixel 09/27/19 5:00 PM ET
Administration ICE shut down hotline for detained immigrants after it was featured on ‘Orange Is the New Black’: report Administration / 5 years ago by John Bowden 08/23/19 1:54 PM ET
Latino Trump officials unveil rule allowing indefinite migrant family detentions Latino / 5 years ago by Chris Mills Rodrigo and Rafael Bernal 08/21/19 9:52 AM ET
Latino Alabama sheriff has personally kept over $1.5M through contract to house undocumented immigrants: report Latino / 6 years ago by Justin Wise 12/31/18 8:52 AM ET
News Protesters hold up bus with immigrant detainees News / 7 years ago by Jacqueline Thomsen 06/24/18 9:11 AM ET
National Security ICE to transfer 1,600 detainees to federal prisons National Security / 7 years ago by Max Greenwood 06/07/18 5:47 PM ET
National Security Now’s the time to act on Guantanamo National Security / 7 years ago by Jack Riley, Michelle Kezirian, Richard Goetz and Jerrold Green, opinion contributors 04/13/18 3:30 PM ET