Administration Trump draws attention with admission he ‘fired Comey’ Administration / 3 years ago by Brett Samuels 12/06/21 9:58 AM ET
National Security Rosenstein, Sessions discussed firing Comey in late 2016 or early 2017: FBI notes National Security / 5 years ago by Rachel Frazin 12/03/19 9:22 AM ET
News Comey tweets ‘so many answers’ following release of Mueller report News / 6 years ago by Rachel Frazin 04/18/19 10:08 PM ET
Administration FBI wondered if Trump was ‘acting at the behest’ of Russia, transcripts show: report Administration / 6 years ago by Michael Burke 01/14/19 7:26 AM ET
Administration McCabe, Rosenstein opened obstruction probe after Trump fired Comey, before Mueller was hired: report Administration / 6 years ago by Morgan Gstalter 12/07/18 8:08 AM ET
Administration Trump claims he did not fire Comey over Russia Administration / 7 years ago by Jordan Fabian 05/31/18 8:20 AM ET
FBI Former FBI official feared Rosenstein gave Trump cover story to fire Comey over Russia probe: report FBI / 7 years ago by Jacqueline Thomsen 05/30/18 7:24 PM ET
Administration Giuliani: Trump fired Comey because he wouldn’t tell Trump he wasn’t target in Russia probe Administration / 7 years ago by Jacqueline Thomsen 05/02/18 9:34 PM ET
Administration Poll: Americans find Comey more trustworthy than Trump Administration / 7 years ago by Avery Anapol 04/13/18 7:39 AM ET
Administration Trump allies to attack ‘Lyin’ Comey’ in campaign tied to book tour: report Administration / 7 years ago by Josh Delk 04/12/18 9:05 AM ET