Judiciary Student athletes or independent contractors? Supreme Court moves the goalposts on the NCAA Judiciary / 4 years ago by Jonathan Turley, opinion contributor 06/22/21 10:30 AM ET
Education Ending amateurism would be disastrous for student-athletes Education / 4 years ago by James Heckman, Colleen Loughlin and Gregory Curtner, opinion contributors 03/10/21 9:01 AM ET
Education Intercollegiate athletics just got a two-minute warning Education / 5 years ago by Glenn C. Altschuler and David Wippman, opinion contributors 11/10/19 12:30 PM ET
Civil Rights Fair Pay to Play Act is a first step toward reforming a system that exploits student-athletes Civil Rights / 5 years ago by D’Qwell Jackson, Opinion Contributor 10/23/19 8:30 AM ET