Healthcare With a boost from Congress, telehealth can help stop overdose deaths Healthcare / 1 year ago by Brandee Izquierdo and Sheri Doyle, opinion contributors 01/11/24 11:30 AM ET
Healthcare Good intentions alone won’t solve the country’s opioid crisis Healthcare / 2 years ago by Dr. Benjamin Nordstrom, opinion contributor 05/16/23 12:30 PM ET
Healthcare Rolling back the clock on addiction treatment will cost even more lives Healthcare / 2 years ago by Brandee Izquierdo, opinion contributor 04/27/23 11:30 AM ET
Healthcare Lifesaving treatment can curb overdoses — Congress must act now Healthcare / 2 years ago by Sheri Doyle and Vanessa Baaklini, opinion contributors 11/17/22 11:30 AM ET
Healthcare America’s opioid crisis is as real as ever — we need policy on safe, effective treatments Healthcare / 3 years ago by Amanda LaMonica-Weier, opinion contributor 02/10/22 10:00 AM ET
Healthcare Drug overdoses are soaring — we must revise laws that are obstacles to treatment Healthcare / 3 years ago by Alaina McBournie and Jenna Bluestein, opinion contributor 12/17/21 11:31 AM ET
Healthcare We urgently need a COVID-level response to the US drug crisis Healthcare / 4 years ago by Dr. Mitchell S. Rosenthal, opinion contributor 04/29/21 2:31 PM ET
Health Care Biden administration loosens restrictions on meds for opioid use disorder amid rise in deaths Health Care / 4 years ago by Justine Coleman 04/27/21 11:51 AM ET
Healthcare X the X-Waiver: How Congress can facilitate treatment for opioid abuse Healthcare / 4 years ago by Mike Hunter and Josh Stein, opinion contributors 02/25/21 7:30 AM ET
Healthcare To battle the opioid crisis, arm more healthcare providers Healthcare / 4 years ago by Shoshana V. Aronowitz, Laurel Hallock-Koppelman and Kimberly Sue, opinion contributors 01/27/21 3:00 PM ET
Healthcare The opioid crisis continues — here’s what we need to do Healthcare / 5 years ago by Adam Bruggeman, opinion contributor 06/23/20 7:00 AM ET
Healthcare 3 ways to combat addiction during and after COVID-19 Healthcare / 5 years ago by Beth Connolly, opinion contributor 05/19/20 3:30 PM ET
Healthcare Nation’s opioid addiction treatment system during COVID-19 needs reform Healthcare / 5 years ago by Caleb Banta-Green, Regina LaBelle and Dr. Yngvild Olsen, opinion contributors 03/17/20 7:00 PM ET
Healthcare Are we making progress or stuck in neutral with the opioid crisis? Healthcare / 5 years ago by Adam Bruggeman, opinion contributor 01/27/20 12:30 PM ET
Healthcare The nation’s response to addiction: Moving from rescue to recovery Healthcare / 5 years ago by Regina LaBelle, opinion contributor 11/01/19 1:30 PM ET
Healthcare Buprenorphine: A life-saving medication that’s being overlooked in the opioid crisis Healthcare / 6 years ago by Dr. Craig D. Blinderman, opinion contributor 04/12/19 2:00 PM ET