Healthcare Don’t believe drug companies: 340B is a program worth saving Healthcare / 1 year ago by John Hassell, opinion contributor 08/08/23 2:00 PM ET
Healthcare Health care providers are raking in profits by exploiting programs meant for the poor Healthcare / 1 year ago by James K. Glassman, opinion contributor 07/18/23 12:00 PM ET
Finance Double-dippers drive up drug costs Finance / 4 years ago by Grace-Marie Turner, Opinion Contributor 10/07/20 2:30 PM ET
Healthcare Help save America’s independent hospitals Healthcare / 5 years ago by Kathleen Silard, opinion contributor 06/09/20 7:00 PM ET
Health Care Grassley to hold drug pricing hearing Health Care / 6 years ago by Nathaniel Weixel 01/22/19 9:42 PM ET
Healthcare Reforming Medicaid’s drug discount program would be a real congressional achievement Healthcare / 7 years ago by Lindsay Boyd Killen, opinion contributor 03/22/18 6:30 AM ET
Healthcare Fix 340B drug discount program if we want to improve care for those who need It most Healthcare / 7 years ago by Michael Sapienza, opinion contributor 03/21/18 10:30 AM ET
Healthcare Let’s not ignore the benefits of 340B Drug Pricing Programs Healthcare / 7 years ago by Chris Skorupa, opinon contributor 02/15/18 4:15 PM ET
Healthcare HHS proposal would hurt health-care providers and their most vulnerable patients Healthcare / 7 years ago by Former Rep. Philip Gingrey (R-Ga.), opinion contributor 10/05/17 2:40 PM ET
Healthcare Hospital abuse of drug discount program leaves seniors in the lurch Healthcare / 7 years ago by Thair Phillips, opinion contributor 07/13/17 2:20 PM ET