Energy & Environment

Poll: Most Americans support mandatory GMO labeling

Despite efforts in Congress to keep the labeling of genetically modified foods voluntary, a new poll released Wednesday found the majority of Americans support mandatory labeling laws.

The poll commissioned by a number consumer and environmental groups including Just Label It, Food & Water Watch and Friends of the Earth and the Center for Food Safety found that 89 percent of Americans support mandatory GMO labeling, with 88 percent saying they prefer a printed GMO label on the food package rather than the option to use a smartphone app to scan a barcode.

The survey comes as lawmakers are considering adding language to the government-wide 2016 spending bill that blocks states from being able to issue mandatory labelings laws for foods that contain genetically modified organisms, or GMOs.

“This is yet another poll that shows broad and deep support for clear GMO labeling at a time when the issue is more important than ever,” Scott Faber, executive director of Just Label It, said in a news release. “Food manufacturers and lawmakers should work together to give Americans a more transparent food system by crafting a non-judgmental, mandatory GMO labeling system that is easily found on the packaging.”

The Mellman Group, which conducted the poll, surveyed 800 likely general election voters on mobile and landlines from Nov. 16 to Nov. 19. Mark Mellman, president and CEO of the Mellman Group, is a columnist for The Hill.