Energy & Environment

EPA urges homeowners to cut greenhouse gas emissions


The Environmental Protection Agency is urging homeowners to cut down on their greenhouse gas emissions this winter.  

The agency has created Energy Star Home Advisor, an online tool, for the public to assess their energy use. The program is designed to help homeowners save money by improving the energy efficiency of their homes. It goes as far as to recommend and prioritize home-improvement projects. 

“As we enter the winter months, homeowners can use our new Energy Star Home Advisor to increase energy efficiency and save money while reducing greenhouse gas emissions that fuel climate change,” EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said. 

“When homeowners take advantage of this important tool and increase the energy efficiency of their homes, many families will notice savings on energy bills and improvements in the comfort of their homes.”

Other Energy Star tips the EPA recommends include sealing and insulating your attic, changing HVAC system air filters every three months, having a home energy audit done, changing lights to LED bulbs and decking the halls with Energy Star light strings.