Court Battles

UCLA settling allegations former gynecologist sexually abused hundreds of women for $246M

The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) has agreed to a settlement of $246.3 million with hundreds of women who allege that they were sexually abused by former school gynecologist James Heaps, according to The Associated Press.

Lawyers and the university made the announcement of the settlement Tuesday, stating that an independent mediator assisted in reaching it. 

An original statement about the settlement on Monday by lawyers of 203 women allegedly assaulted by Heaps did not detail the precise amount of money, the AP reported.

They say Heaps assaulted, groped and abused patients in his gynecology practice over the span of his 35-year career and that UCLA ignored the accusations and intentionally buried them.

“The conduct alleged to have been committed by Heaps is reprehensible and contrary to the University’s values,” a UCLA statement said. “Our first and highest obligation will always be to the communities we serve, and we hope this settlement is one step toward providing healing and closure for the plaintiffs involved.”

One of the plaintiffs’ attorneys told the AP, “This historic settlement allows these brave women to achieve their litigation goals of accountability and compensation, paving the path for their continued healing,” adding that UCLA made the choice to resolve the claim rather than “unnecessarily inflicting further damage upon these survivors.” 

The lawsuit settled Monday was one of several lawsuits filed against Heaps involving the sexual assault of patients. 

Last year, UCLA settled a similar lawsuit against Heaps for $73 million.

In that case, 6,600 patients of Heaps also alleged that he had sexually abused them. The allegations were from his time working at UCLA’s student health center and the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center from 1983 to 2018.

Heaps was arrested in 2019, and his medical license was suspended.