Court Battles

Trump campaign ordered to pay $1.3M in legal fees to Omarosa

Former President Trump’s presidential campaign was ordered Tuesday to pay $1.3 million in legal fees to former White House aide and “The Apprentice” star Omarosa Manigault Newman

The decision comes after Trump previously lost a court battle with Manigault Newman in which Trump accused the former aide of violating a nondisclosure agreement after she wrote a book about her experience in the White House.

Arbitrator Andrew Brown said at the time the NDA was too vague to enforce, propelling Trump and Manigault Newman to go into another battle over legal fees for a case that spanned three years. 

Trump’s lawyers laid out several reasons the campaign should not have to cover legal fees, including saying Manigault Newman was acting in bad faith during and before the case.  

Brown denied the lawyers’ arguments and awarded the former aide more than $1.3 million. 

“In deciding to permit supplemental briefing, the Arbitrator took into consideration that Respondent did not bring this case. Respondent was defending herself in a claim which was extensively litigated for more than three years, against an opponent who undoubtedly commanded far greater resources than did Respondent,” Brown said.

“This award is in full settlement of all remaining claims not already disposed of in this Arbitration,” he added.

Lead attorney for Manigault Newman, John M. Phillips, said it is “the largest known attorney fee award against a Political Campaign or President we can find.”

He added he hoped it would “send a message that weaponized litigation will not be tolerated and empower other lawyers to stand up and fight for the whistleblower and vocal critic against the oppressive machine.”

Phillips noted part of the money Manigault Newman receives from Trump’s campaign will be donated to groups that work against the suppression of speech. 

The Hill has reached out to a Trump spokesperson for comment.