
New regs for Wednesday: Airline baggage fees, Ebola quarantines, bus safety

Wednesday’s edition of the Federal Register contains new rules for passenger safety on buses, the transportation of lithium rechargeable batteries, airline baggage fees, and Ebola quarantines.

Here’s what is happening:

Bus safety: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is considering new federal motor vehicle safety standards for large buses, the agency announced Tuesday.

The NHTSA is looking to improve the protections for passengers in the event of an accident that causes a bus to roll over with new roof strength and crush resistance requirements. The buses would be tested by tipping them over from a raised platform to see how they hold up in the event of a crash.

The public has 60 days to comment.

Battery: The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is moving forward with new rules for transporting lithium cells and batteries, including popular rechargeable batteries that are used in consumer electronic devices. 

The new rules, which align U.S. rules with international standards, include packaging provisions and requirements for hazard communication.

The rules go into effect immediately.

Airline fees: The Department of Transportation is delaying a new rule that would require airlines to be more transparent about the baggage and other miscellaneous fees they charge travelers. 

The Transportation Department announced the consumer protection rule in May, but said Tuesday it is extending the comment period at the request of airlines to give the industry more time to consider the rule.

The public has until Sept. 22 to comment on the proposed rule.

Ebola: The White House is publishing in the Federal Register an executive order signed by President Obama that would allow the government to quarantine people who are suspected of having respiratory illnesses, a move that may be targeted at reducing the spread of Ebola, according to reports.

Ozone: The Environmental Protection Agency is considering new restrictions on hydrofluorocarbons, which are used for refrigeration, air conditioning, and aerosols, the agency said Tuesday.

Green groups have dubbed hydrofluorocarbons a “super greenhouse gas,” because of its ability to deplete the ozone and cause global warming, they say.

The public has 60 days to comment on the proposed rule.