Ports & Waterways

Labor fight closes Portland port terminal

A Portland cargo ship terminal has been closed since Tuesday because of a labor fight between port workers and management, The Oregonian reports.

At issue is a fight between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the operator of the Portland port, ICTSI Oregon Inc., over the safety of working conditions for port employees and their health.

The work stoppage has resulted into the closing of the Portland port’s terminal six, according to the report.

{mosads}Each side of the labor fight is claiming the other is using strong-arm tactics during the standoff.

“Today ICTSI and Port supervisors threatened top-loader drivers with physical violence, showing once again that ICTSI and the Port are working in collusion against union members,” ILWU spokeswoman Jennifer Sargent told the paper.

ICTSI Oregon CEO Elvis Ganda offered a different account of this week’s events between the port workers’ union and management. 

“ICTSI completely denies that any of its employees or supervisors threatened anyone,” Ganda said in a statement provided to the paper.

At least one major shipping company, Hanjin Shipping Co., is considering stopping its operations at the Portland port, according to the paper.