
Denver airport bans marijuana

The Denver International Airport is to moving to ban its passengers from possessing marijuana, despite a Colorado law that allows recreational use, Denver’s ABC News affiliate is reporting.

The airport, which is the sixth-busiest in the U.S, is holding public hearings on its proposal to fine passengers or employees who carry marijuana on its grounds $150.

The airport has already installed signs informing passengers that marijuana use is not allow within its confines, according to the report.

Supporters of the Colorado law have suggested that it might increase tourism to the state as recreational marijuana users from other states travel to make legal purchases of the substance.

{mosads}The Denver airport is proposing to fine repeat offenders of its marijuana ban $500 for the second offense and $999 for any further infractions, the report said.

The airport is also including medical marijuana in its ban.

“Marijuana is on the list of TSA’s prohibited items,” airport spokeswoman Stacey Stegman told the station. “You can’t fly with it. It doesn’t distinguish between marijuana, recreational, any time. We as an airport have a responsibly to honor that. We can’t facilitate the transport of marijuana across state lines when it’s illegal.”