
Twitter announces audio tweets

Twitter rolled out a new feature Wednesday allowing users to record audio messages to attach to posts.  

“You can Tweet a Tweet. But now you can Tweet your voice! Rolling out today on iOS, you can now record and Tweet with audio,” the company announced in a tweet. 

Users will be able to add the audio recordings to tweets, similar to how photos and videos can be attached to posts. 

The audio recordings will be capped at 140 seconds. Once the time limit is reached, a new tweet will automatically create another in a thread with the additional voice recording, Twitter said in an online announcement about the new feature. 

The feature will be available to a limited group of Twitter users for iOS to start, and will be available to everyone in coming weeks, the company said. 

As a platform, Twitter has always aimed to keep posts brief. Tweets are limited to 280 character messages. The platform initially capped tweets at 140 characters, but doubled the character limit in 2017.