
Samsung texting app sent user pictures to other phones on its own

Samsung on Tuesday said it is investigating reports of its phones randomly sending photos to people on their owners’ contacts list.


A handful of phone owners posted complaints on Reddit and Samsung’s customer support forums that their phones were sending photos without a user actively doing so and without any notification.

Users said the issue is occurring through the Samsung default text message app and not through other SMS apps such as Android Messages or Textra.

“My S9+ sent my entire photo gallery to my girlfriend last night while I was sleeping,” one user wrote in a post spotted by Gizmodo. “[M]y phone sent her my entire photo gallery over text but there was no record of it on my messages app. However, there was record of it on tmobile logs.”

Samsung said it is aware of the problem and is investigating it further.

“We are aware of the reports regarding this matter and our technical teams are looking into it,” a spokesperson said, urging affected users to contact the company directly.