
Uber assisting in Florida shooting investigation

Uber is assisting law enforcement in its investigation into Wednesday’s deadly shooting at a South Florida high school. 

Nikolas Cruz, 19, took an Uber a little after 2 p.m. to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where he killed 17 people, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said during a press conference on Thursday.

The Hill confirmed with an Uber spokesperson that the company was working with authorities and that Cruz had used its ride-sharing service, although the spokesperson couldn’t confirm when.

According to Israel, the vehicle’s driver has since spoken with law enforcement.

Cruz, a former student at the high school who was expelled for disciplinary reasons, confessed on Thursday to carrying out the attack. He is charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder.

Cruz carried out the shooting with an AR-15, and had with him additional loaded ammunition magazines. Israel said at a news conference on Thursday that the Uber driver appeared to have been unaware of Cruz’s plot.

“At this point, the driver is not complicit in any way, shape or form,” Israel said. “The driver just simply picked up a fare, and dropped a fare off at Stoneman Douglas.”

–Harper Neidig contributed to this report.