
Net neutrality, phone unlocking make Obama’s ‘year in review’

President Obama’s recommendations on net neutrality and a new cellphone unlocking law made the White House’s list of highlights from 2014. 

The two technology-focused items were featured on the White House’s “2014: A year in review” on Monday, along with nearly 20 other “historic accomplishments,” “economic milestones” and “behind-the-scenes moments.” 

{mosads}President Obama writing a line of code with students during Computer Science Education Week also made the list, as did Obama sitting for pictures that formed the basis of the first 3D-printed bust of a president. 

In November, Obama urged the Federal Communications Commission to use the strongest authority possible to enforce net neutrality, the idea that all Internet traffic should be treated equally. The plan he supports calls to reclassify broadband Internet as a public utility. 

The White House on Monday touted Obama’s “action to keep the Internet open and free.” 

While Obama does not have control of the independent agency, his well-publicized recommendation will factor into the decision. The FCC is slated to unveil finalized rules in the next few months. 

The White House on Monday also touted a cellphone unlocking law as the first time the White House petition website spurred a legislative fix. The bill, signed by Obama in August, reversed a ruling that blocked customers from keeping their phones when they switched providers. 

More than 100,000 people signed the “We the People” petition on the White House website to reverse the decision before the legislation passed.