National Security

Watch: DC National Guard and Capitol Police respond to security incident

The D.C. National Guard and Capitol police responded rapidly to a security incident at the Capitol on Friday afternoon in quick action caught on video by eyewitnesses on the scene.

Videos captured guardsmen and other law enforcement, many armed and with shields, blocking off access points around the Capitol complex. One reporter tweeted video of the rare sight of a helicopter landing on the Capitol drive.

A vehicle crashed into the barrier on Constitution Avenue near the Capitol building early in the afternoon, injuring two police officers. The suspect exited the vehicle with a knife and was shot by the police, according to Capitol police.

The National Guard, which has maintained a presence at the Capitol since the Jan. 6 breach, was quickly deployed to secure the area.

“The DC National Guard deployed a Quick Reaction Force (QRF) composed of National Guard soldiers and airmen to the Capitol complex this afternoon to support the U.S. Capitol Police. Due to operational security, we cannot discuss further details regarding the QRF. No National Guard members were injured in the incident at the Capitol,” the National Guard told The Hill in a statement.

One Capitol Police officer and the suspect in the car both died in the incident, Capitol police announced later in the afternoon.


Rebecca Beitsch contributed.