Middle East/North Africa

Dubai announces new restrictions to slow coronavirus infections

Authorities in Dubai are putting tougher restrictions on nightlife in an attempt to slow the spread of coronavirus in the city.

The Associated Press reported Monday that all bars and clubs in the city have been ordered to cease “entertainment activities” at 1 a.m. every night, while hotels are ordered to shift all food services to delivery and room service after 3 a.m.

The restrictions are notable changes in a city known as an extravagant tourist destination, which draws an average of 15 million foreigners to the city per year, making it the fourth most-visited city in the world.

Dubai’s newest restrictions are meant to halt the spread of COVID-19, which has seen a resurgence within the United Arab Emirates’s borders in recent weeks after falling from previous highs in May.

Bars and other establishments that ignore the new restrictions will face shutdowns or large fines, according to the AP.

The country is now reporting close to 1,000 new cases of the virus per day after seeing that rate drop off throughout June and July. The country now has just over 92,000 confirmed cases of the virus and 413 deaths due to the pandemic, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.