Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday received a lengthy standing ovation after delivering an emotional speech via video to the European Parliament calling for Ukraine to be granted membership to the European Union.
“I don’t read from paper, the paper phase is over, we’re dealing with lives. Without you, Ukraine will be alone. We’ve proven our strength; we’re the same as you. Prove that you’ll not let us go. Then life will win over death,” Zelensky said to representatives of the 27 EU member states.
“This is the price of freedom. We are fighting just for our land. And for our freedom, despite the fact that all of the cities of our country are now blocked,” Zelensky said as his translator became emotional while speaking about the death of children in the Russian assault on Ukraine.
“We are fighting for our rights, for our freedom, for our lives and now we are fighting for our survival,” Zelensky continued.
“Every square today, no matter what it’s called, is going to be called Freedom Square, in every city of our country. No one is going to break us. We are strong. We are Ukrainians,” Zelensky said in closing as he raised a fist in the air before exiting the camera’s view.
Zelensky on Monday formally signed an EU membership application for Ukraine, days after Russia launched a military assault on the former Soviet state.
Many Ukrainians and Russians have been killed during missile attacks and while fighting in the streets during the invasion.
As of Monday night, Russia had a convoy more than 40 miles long stretching outside the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv.