
Germany to impose one-month partial shutdown amid COVID-19 surge

Germany is imposing a one-month partial shutdown that will close bars, restaurants and gyms as it seeks to prevent a wider spread of the coronavirus.

Case counts are on the rise in the United States and in Europe, and Germany is just one of several countries reimposing at least some restrictions. The closures will mark the most severe restrictions since Germany went into a national lockdown in the spring.

The deal to impose COVID-19 measures was agreed upon by leaders of the country’s 16 states and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Bloomberg reported. An official announcement is slated to be made later Wednesday, a person familiar with the matter who requested anonymity told the press.

The German order won’t close everything. While museums will close and sporting teams will have to play with no spectators, German soccer teams will continue to play and stores and markets will remain open. 

The new restrictions, which will take effect on Monday, are aimed at providing a compromise between public health and allowing the economy to function. They are also intended to help hospitals and prevent crowding. The New York Times reported that some hospitals have seen the number of patients double in the last 10 days. 

Restrictions in Germany have triggered complaints, many of them from far-right-party members. 

The German government sought to ease tensions by allotting 10 billion euros ($11.7 billion) in aid for businesses impacted by the pandemic, another person familiar with the matter told Bloomberg.

The measures are designed to curb the spread of COVID-19 while allowing businesses to maintain as much functionality as is safely possible under the new restrictions.

The Times reported that daily cases in Germany are nearing 15,000, a new record.