
Thousands march in Switzerland to legalize same-sex marriage

Thousands marched in Switzerland on Saturday ahead of a national referendum that could legalize same-sex marriage in the country.

The referendum, if it passes, would allow same-sex couples to enter into marriage or change their registered partnership into a marriage, according to the Library of Congress.

It would also have the Swiss Civil Code change words from “bride” and “groom” to “the engaged” or “two people.”

NBC News reported that the legalization of same-sex marriage in the Alpine country will give couples rights to adopt children, make it easier for lesbian couples to get sperm donations and allow foreign partners to obtain citizenship more easily.

Along with rights for same-sex couples, transgender individuals would be allowed to change their gender markers, according to Reuters.

The referendum will be put to a vote in the country’s direct democracy on Sept. 26.

Ahead of the vote, thousands marched in the Zurich Pride parade on Saturday holding signs that said “You can do it. Marriage for everyone now,” public broadcaster SRF reported, according to NBC News.

There were 70 LGBTQ groups that supported the protest.

A poll in November 2020 taken by a Swiss gays rights group found that 82 percent of citizens approve of same-sex marriage, making proponents hopeful the measure will pass easily.

Opponents of the bill argue marriage is meant to be between a man and a woman and should not be expanded.