
Hundreds arrested in anti-lockdown protests in Australia

Australian police arrested more than 250 people on Saturday during anti-lockdown protests across the country.

Residents of Sydney and its home state of New South Wales were placed under extended coronavirus stay-at-home orders earlier this month as a result of a record number of daily infections in the area. 

On Saturday, many people protesting the lockdowns and stay at home orders in multiple cities in Australia were arrested after altercations with police officers. One of the most dangerous protests took place in Melbourne, according to The Associated Press.

Seven police officers were reportedly injured following the clashes, Reuters reported. More than 4,000 people showed up to protest in Melbourne and police released pepper spray into the crowds as a means to prevent demonstrators from breaking police lines.

Police told Reuters that they arrested 218 people in Melbourne and issued 236 fines for breaking public health orders, at $3,900 each.

While Sydney had been on lockdown for nearly two months, Melbourne and Australia’s capital city, Canberra, began lockdown early on in August. Residents of the cities are expected to limit their social interactions with others during the lockdown and remain at home.

On Saturday, Australia reported nearly 900 new coronavirus cases, with the majority coming out of Sydney.

“We are in a very serious situation here in New South Wales,” said state Health Minister Brad Hazzard, according to Reuters. “There is no time now to be selfish, it’s time to think of the broader community and your families.”