Public/Global Health

Austrian cases hit record high amid quarantine for unvaccinated

Coronavirus infections surged to a record high in Austria on Wednesday as the country entered the third day of a lockdown for unvaccinated people.

According to Reuters, daily infections reached 14,416, passing 14,000 for the first time. The country recorded about 9,586 daily infections at the peak of what had been the nation’s largest wave nearly a year ago.

About 65 percent of Austria’s population is currently fully vaccinated against the coronavirus. The country also has one of the highest infection rates in Europe, the news service reported.

The lockdown for unvaccinated people applies to the regions of Upper Austria and in Salzburg and only allows them to leave home to go to work, go grocery shopping, attend doctor’s appointments or stretch their legs, Reuters noted.

Concern about the effectiveness of the lockdown of the unvaccinated has reportedly arisen in Austria as doubts surge about whether it can be properly enforced.

In Upper Austria and Salzburg, hospitals are experiencing increased strain due to the coronavirus. Salzburg is currently preparing for its hospitals to enter a triage situation to potentially manage the number of people needing intensive care beds, according to Reuters.