Public/Global Health

‘Human biosecurity emergency’ declared in Australia

A “human biosecurity emergency” was declared on Wednesday in Australia and its prime minister urged citizens to refrain from traveling abroad for the next six months amid concerns that the coronavirus outbreak could exponentially worsen in the nation.

“Life is changing in Australia, as it is changing all around the world,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison said at a press conference, Reuters reported.

“Life is going to continue to change as we deal with the global coronavirus. This is a once in a hundred year-type event,” he added.

The emergency declaration reportedly allows Morrison to impose curfews, order residents to quarantine and close off cities or regions, if necessary.

Morrison also banned nonessential indoor gatherings of more than 100 people, Reuters noted, adding that the order for the time being excludes schools, public transport and stores.

Australia has over 500 cases of the virus and at least six related deaths. On Wednesday, the total number of confirmed cases worldwide topped 200,000.