Health Care

CDC forecasts additional 20,000 coronavirus deaths by Oct. 17

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now predicts more than 20,000 additional deaths will be reported by Oct. 17, according to an ensemble forecast published Thursday.

The CDC projects there will be between 214,000 to 226,000 coronavirus deaths in the United States by Oct. 17. The previous ensemble forecast published last week projected up to 218,000 coronavirus deaths by Oct. 10.

As of Friday morning, there are 202,800 reported deaths in the U.S., according to a count by Johns Hopkins.

The ensemble forecast this week also predicts that 140,000 to 370,000 new cases will be reported by Oct. 17. As of Friday the U.S. has reported 6.9 million cases, according to Johns Hopkins. 

The U.S. has seen a rise in coronavirus cases in recent weeks as schools begin to reopen and some workplaces move back to in-person operations.

The U.S. is now averaging about the same number of new infections on a daily basis as it was in June, which was the county’s peak period.