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House poised to pass coronavirus relief bill: What you need to know today

Welcome to The Hill’s daily roundup of coronavirus news.

The U.S. death toll is closing in on 87,000 people, and cases are now on the rise in small rural counties that have already begun lifting restrictions. 

Beaches are opening in New Jersey, Delaware, New York and Connecticut in time for Memorial Day. There will be restrictions in place, but it remains to be seen how many people will abide by them, and how strict officials will be at enforcing them. 

Meanwhile, President Trump officially named the head of his “Operation Warp Speed” to develop a vaccine. Numerous federal officials have cautioned that a safe, widely available vaccine won’t be available until at least next year, if everything goes perfectly. Trump has said he thinks a vaccine will be ready in January. 

And in Congress, the House was poised to pass a coronavirus relief bill despite objections from progressives and some moderates. Senate Republicans have already rejected the legislation, but Democrats hope it will serve as a way to begin negotiations.

From the White House 

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