Health Care

McConnell: Court best shot at O-Care ‘do-over’

Incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that the Supreme Court ruling on ObamaCare next summer could be the GOP’s best chance for a “do-over” of the healthcare law.

The court’s challenge offers a better opportunity to start from scratch on ObamaCare “as opposed to actually getting the president to sign a full repeal, which is not likely to happen,” the Kentucky Republican said during a panel held by the Wall Street Journal CEO Council.

{mosads}Republicans have widely supported the latest ObamaCare case to head to the Supreme Court, King v. Burwell, which takes issues with language in the law related to healthcare subsidies.

If the provisions are struck down, health experts have warned that it could cut off subsidies for 13 million people and ultimately unravel the law.

McConnell, who has vowed to pick apart ObamaCare piece by piece, said he will start with areas of the law that are “extremely toxic with the American people.”

He said “you can anticipate” that the Senate will take votes on unpopular parts of the law, such as the individual mandate, the health insurance tax and medical device tax and the 30-hour mark for full-time work weeks.

“Such votes have not been allowed in the past,” he said.

McConnell has previously said he would allow the Senate to take a vote on repealing the law, though he has acknowledged that the president would stand in the way.