Health Care

Report: 7 quarantined in Ohio after contact with Ebola-infected nurse

Health officials are monitoring seven people in Ohio who came into contact with a nurse diagnosed with the Ebola virus, The Dallas Morning News reports.

Amber Vinson, 29, contracted the disease in Dallas while treating a Liberian man, Thomas Eric Duncan. Vinson, though, was allowed to fly to Cleveland and back to Dallas, reportedly before showing any symptoms.

{mosads}Vinson’s mother is one of the seven who are voluntarily quarantining themselves. The newspaper also reports that none is showing symptoms and that officials are looking into whether Vinson came into contact with any other people. 

Ohio health officials said Thursday they believed she had limited exposure to others while in Cleveland.

“She spent most of that time at the home. She was not a football games, she was not at restaurants,” an official said. “She was in her home, a very conscientious young lady.”

Vinson flew to Cleveland on Oct. 10 after she had helped treat Duncan, who died from the virus.

She had called the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) before she boarded her return trip to Dallas three days later after discovering a slight fever, but the CDC said she could fly.

The Ebola virus is only contagious once an infected person begins showing symptoms, health officials say.

CDC Director Tom Frieden on Thursday said that Vinson probably “should not have been allowed to travel.”