
Trump removes tariffs on aluminum from UAE shortly before leaving office

In his final hours as president, Donald Trump lifted a 10 percent tariff on aluminum from the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The White House announced the policy, which takes effect Feb. 3, about 90 minutes before President Biden was sworn in at the Capitol on Wednesday.

Trump helped persuade the UAE to normalize ties with Israel last year, and in exchange opened the door to $23 billion in advanced weapons sales, including F-35 jets.

The former president, who frequently used tariffs as a bargaining chip, imposed the 10 percent tariff on aluminum imports in 2018 under the guide of a national security threat.

He has since excluded Argentina, Australia, Canada and Mexico from the tariff.

Various tariffs on steel, Chinese imports, European products and other goods remain in place as Biden starts his presidency. Biden has signaled he will not immediately lift those tariffs, but is likely to use them as leverage in negotiations with various trade partners.