Domestic Taxes

Coalitions offer united front on tax reform

House Ways and Means Comittee Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.) and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) also praised the two groups for coming together.

{mosads}Still, leaders of the two groups — while saying they had faith in Camp and Baucus — cknowledged that there were many hurdles for tax reform, and noted that the last successful overhaul, in 1986, almost died many times along the way. House Republicans are currently considering tying procedures for tax reform to a debt-limit hike.

Corporate groups and small business organizations also are working together after finding themselves at odds at times during last year’s “fiscal cliff” debate, which ended with pass-through businesses — not corporations — receiving a rate increase.

Bill Hughes of RILA said at Thursday’s event that he understood there might be some “cynicism” about the coalitions coming together.

But, he added, “I think it’s pretty significant – two different coalitions, coming together and saying the same thing.”