Domestic Taxes

Camp: Ways and Means ‘to step up the pace’ on tax reform

Still, lawmakers in both chambers and both parties are currently consumed with the debate over whether to authorize a military strike on Syria. In the coming weeks, Congress will also grapple with deadlines to keep the government funded into October and beyond, and raising the nation’s debt limit.

{mosads}Camp acknowledged that the congressional calendar would be packed this fall, but also said the committee would go full speed ahead on tax reform. Other Republicans on the panel have also said they expect to concentrate heavily this month on getting a bill ready for a committee vote.

“There’s a lot on the table, both in terms of CR, debt limit, sequester,” Camp said. “A lot of this is in the jurisdiction of the committee.”

Camp and Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) this week concluded a nationwide barnstorming tour to marshal support for tax reform.

Democrats and Republicans have found some common ground on how to revamp the country’s corporate tax system, but still have some deep divides – including whether a rewritten code should raise more revenue – on the individual side.