Equilibrium & Sustainability

Prince Charles says his Aston Martin runs on wine and cheese byproducts

Prince Charles says that his Aston Martin runs on environmentally friendly cheese waste and surplus white wine, the BBC reported.

The car — given as a 21st birthday gift almost 51 years ago — is a source of pride for the  environmentally conscious U.K. royal.

“My old Aston Martin, now on waste products,” he said to the BBC when asked about his large carbon footprint. “It runs on — can you believe this — surplus English white wine and whey from the cheese process.”

The heir to the British throne, who has long been an advocate for sustainability and halting climate change, told The Telegraph in 2018 that he demanded the Aston Martin engineers find him an alternate fuel source.

He also spoke about personal measures he has undertaken at his palaces to reduce his carbon footprint.

“I haven’t eaten meat and fish on two days a week and I don’t eat dairy products on one day a week,” he said. “If more [people] did that, you would reduce a lot of the pressure.”

“I’ve made sure to ensure that the heating is done in a way that is sustainable. I put in biomass boiler systems and solar panels which I’ve managed to get on the roof of Clarence House and at Highgrove,” he added.

Charles also told the BBC that world leaders at the COP26 United Nations climate change conference should do more than “just talk”, and that “there’s no action on the ground.”

Additionally, he said he understands why “young people will get frustrated” about the slow measures taken to protect the world from climate change.