Energy & Environment

EPA chief reads threats he’s received to lawmakers

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief Scott Pruitt defended his need for tough security measures and a 24/7 detail to lawmakers on Thursday, blaming “documented” threats to his safety.

Pruitt cited two examples from an inspector general (IG) report he called a “threat investigation” during a hearing before a House Energy and Commerce Committee subpanel.

The two examples Pruitt read were verbal threats made to Pruitt and his family.


“Pruitt I’m going to find you and put a bullet through your eyes, don’t think I’m joking, I’m planning this,” the EPA administrator said, reading one of the threats.

A second threat read by Pruitt and seemingly directed toward his daughter said: “I hope your father dies soon, suffering as your mother watches in horror watching for hours on end.”

Pruitt did not mention whether the examples were made verbally, in a letter or over social media. But the administrator cited both instances as reasons why he needs a round-the-clock security detail and has routinely flown first class for business.

Rep. Ryan Costello (R-Pa.) said the public would have a hard time swallowing Pruitt’s need for a security detail at outings such as one he made last year to Disneyland, where he had security in tow.

“When folks read about trips to Disneyland, professional basketball games, the Rose Bowl and the additional security detail needed for that, that doesn’t sit well with people,” Costello said.

Pruitt promised that he’d provide Costello with the IG report saying the office found the threats against him were “unprecedented.”