Energy & Environment

Duckworth calls for Pruitt to resign or be fired immediately

Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) is demanding that Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt resign or be fired immediately after a series of controversies over his spending and travel.

“It is abundantly clear that Scott Pruitt has abused the public trust by using his government position to finance his lavish lifestyle,” Duckworth said in a statement Tuesday.

The senator wrote that Pruitt had “wasted millions of taxpayer dollars” by flying first-class, purchasing pricey office furniture and having a 24/7 security detail “despite his own agency being unable to justify it.”

“He’s the subject of no less than five independent investigations, he has retaliated against EPA staff who have questioned his spending habits, and he likely violated ethics rules by renting an apartment from an industry lobbyist,” Duckworth said.


“His behavior is absolutely unacceptable,” she continued. “Scott Pruitt must resign or be fired immediately.”

Duckworth is the latest senator to call for Pruitt’s removal in recent weeks after media reports revealed the EPA head had spent taxpayer dollars on first-class travel and rented a condo co-owned by the wife of a top energy lobbyist for $50 a night.

Most recently, The Washington Post reported Tuesday that Pruitt had requested an official government car with bullet-proof seat covers.

The EPA has said that Pruitt requires a high level of security due to death threats. However, Democratic senators said last week that internal agency documents don’t support those claims.

A federal watchdog also announced Monday that the EPA had violated the law by approving a $43,000 secure soundproof booth for Pruitt’s personal office.