Energy & Environment

EPA removes more references to climate change from its website

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has scrubbed more references to climate change from its website.

A watchdog group on Friday highlighted changes to the EPA’s page dedicated to energy and environment information for state and local governments. The group noted that a previous version of the page included information about climate change.

The previous version of the page, which has been preserved, included at least 19 references to the climate. The new page contains none.


The EPA said Friday that “previous administrations web pages are still available by clicking the large link plainly visible on the banner at the top of”

The EPA in April said it had begun the process of updating its website to “reflect the views of the leadership of the agency.”

At the time, the agency deleted content on its pages related to climate change, climate science, the impacts of climate change and climate information for children, among other things.

The Obama administration’s EPA website has been preserved, and an archive of its data is still available online.

Other government websites have also reduced their climate change focus, including the National Institutes of Health

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has raised doubts about climate change science and indicated he will soon launch an effort to critique it.