Energy & Environment

Ivanka Trump wants to speak out on climate change: report

Ivanka Trump wants to make fighting climate change one of her signature issues as the daughter of the next president.

Citing a source close to President-elect Donald Trump’s daughter, Politico reported Thursday that Ivanka Trump is exploring ways to use her new spotlight and position to advocate for the fight against global warming.


Her climate position, though, would be at odds with that of the president-elect, who repeatedly has called climate change a “hoax” and pledged to undo all of President Obama’s global warming policies.

Reince Priebus, Donald Trump’s incoming chief of staff, sought to assure Americans recently that while Trump may have an “open mind” on some climate policies, his position on global warming is still that “most of it is a bunch of bunk.”

But Ivanka Trump’s role could nonetheless be to push the Republican Party slightly away from its traditional positions, Politico said, as she did by influencing her father’s child care policy.

“The issues she’s talking about are ones she’s always talked about,” a source close to her told Politico. “These are totally consistent with what she’s developed with her brand. She is playing a critical role in being able to have issues that moderate and liberal women care about — and creating a bridge to the other side.”