Energy & Environment

Canada invites Boehner to talk Keystone

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) received an invitation to visit Canada to discuss the Keystone XL oil pipeline and energy independence Thursday.

Canadian Ambassador Gary Doer delivered the invitation to Boehner from the Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons.

{mosads}”There’s a tremendous opportunity right in front of us to help create jobs and support energy security for the people of both nations. It would be a tragedy if that opportunity were missed because of Washington bureaucracy and politics,” Boehner said in a statement.

The invitation came days after Canada conditionally approved construction of a pipeline that would transport crude oil from Alberta to Canada’s west coast and then to Asia.

“Partnering with our Canadian friends and neighbors on energy is the most obvious step we can take toward energy security and independence for the American people,” Boehner added. “I’m eager to talk directly with Canadian Prime Minister Harper about the opportunities ahead for our two countries on jobs and energy.”

Boehner said he would do his best to visit Canada.